Friday, November 16, 2007

Book Review Friday: Exodus

First things first, we'll be reading Exodus chapters 6-10 until next Friday. It's proving to be a great book so join in if you aren't already with us! :)

Exodus is nothing like I remember from my Sunday school classes as a child. My how all those facts of the story of Moses got mixed up and lost their meaning. One of the most amazing stories I've ever read and one of the most amazing women I've ever heard of is right here in these first couple chapters of Exodus, and I still don't even know the lady's name!! All we know is that she was a Levi and gave birth to a son and did all she could in very hard times. I'm a mom, so her predicament really stood out to me big-time this week. After you have your own little baby to hold the words 'giving them up' take on a deeper and more difficult meaning.

I likened this mommy's predicament to situations we could face today. What if I was faced with the choice of either trying to hide my child in the safety of his home until he was finally found out and then killed in a few days, months... years maybe, or handing him over to the very people who were seeking to kill him in hopes that they would have a little compassion? It was highly probable that if mom let her cutie little abandoned baby pass by Pharaoh's daughter that a woman's heart would take over and be drawn to taking care of it. But, who could guarantee that Pharaoh would allow for such a thing and not just kill it right away?!
And if her plan worked out and baby was accepted, how would it feel to give your baby up to be raised in the midst of a false religion? You would know they would grow up learning about and taking part in the evil that Egypt was involved in. I couldn't have done it and up until this week I would have thought it wrong to do anything of the sort.
In talking about it with hubby I started to realize that everything isn't always the same with God. In each situation He is working something different. It's not that things are black & white all the time. It all comes down to how much faith you have in God. Do I believe that God is God? Although we are human and constantly think that much depends on us, from reading scripture we realize that it's not true at all. Moses would have been fine and God would have worked His purposes through him whether mommy was good at hiding him or not, whether he was placed in a river or not, whether Pharaoh's daughter found him or not. It's just that this woman did as best she could as long as she could and then just trusted God to handle it. And we get to see her example and take heart in the here and now.
I need to work hard while my children are with me doing all I can to make them safe and then ready to take on the world when the Lord brings that time around. The tremendous sacrifice that this woman made is shocking to me. But look at all that God did through Moses for years and years. All the amazing things he was able to witness by God's hand through the years. All the people he lead and the difference God made through him. Moses story all started with his mom who had a big faith in her God. I like her. I like her a lot!
Throughout the whole 5 chapters the fact of just how powerful and in charge God is becomes a major part of the whole story. There are many points to ponder, it's just that I've taken up most of my time thinking of that one. I loved the whole thing and can't wait to read more but I don't have time to type any more about 1-5. I'll just go read any reviews that show up on Mr.Linky. :)


Seven said...

We read Exodus 1 - 5 and I couldn't believe how much of Moses' story I had wrong. Crazy. More proof that I should read the Book more and watch the movie less.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading along too. I started chapters 6-10 last night and read till 13 instead because I couldn't put it down :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Shannon I had no BRF for last Friday. I will try my best for this week. Love your profile picture. Have a great day:)

Anonymous said...

I'm just catching up on my blog reading. I loved what you've done with the toys!! Is that still in effect? I have wanted to do it out of sheer desire for a clutter free home. I was also looking for a link to a PayPal account. For such a worthy cause as scrapbooking I would have donated a dollar or two.

Shannon said...

Lori, you're crazy! (for looking to donate, not to pack away the toys) :)
I actually had all the toys packed away until hubby let the kids find where they were in the barn, after about a year. But so far things are still neat and tidy. At the first sign of clutter it will be all done away with again though!