If you ask my family to come to a party you really don't need to plan anything, they are the party. :) So we started by letting the Grandparents, cousins, & friends (the friends being the ones who informed us of a cow for sale in the first place) know when the cow was arriving, and then planning a potluck lunch directly after said delivery. The rest just took care of itself as you shall see.
The cow was due between 11 & 12. The cousins arrived around 9:30, no one wanted to miss a thing. Grammie arrived after 10 and the friends I mentioned made it just in time for the potluck to begin. I've already shared a couple pic's with you, but here are a few more. :)
Here is some dip that I whipped up before hand. Just beat 2 avacados, add a bit of sour cream to make creamy, and stir in 1 or 2 Tbsp of ranch seasoning mix. Mister man it was good!!
We have punch at nearly every family get together. If you want a fail proof punch recipe look no further. Just combine 1 can frozen juice concentrate (I like raspberry) and poor in 1 1/2 - 2 bottles of 7up. That tastes great, but to really make it yummy add a few scoops of vanilla ice cream. It'll make it a sure hit. :)
We had lots of good food from everyone. My neice made the 'Have a Cow' peanut butter cake which you can see in my previous post. Soooo good! And, I flatter myself, my #59cupcakes were pretty good as well. :) Everyone was excited to bring cow-ish things....
Grammie brought some yummy squares decorated with a cutie cow. As everyone arrived she had them write their names on paper for a prize draw. The draw was for the cutie cow on the squares, which was really a 'grow a cow'. Shortly after our meal she drew a name out of our brand new milking pail and one of my little guys ended up winning. :)
Then #59's arrival is announced with happy yells and lots of chaos from 13 people trying to find their boots, coats, mittens and head outside so as not to miss any important happenings. It's not everyday a cow gets delivered to your door.
Then mysteriously all the cows on the cake disappeared. One cool aunt had planned a fun surprise...
...there were enough little cows for each of the kids to choose one to take home as a keepsake. Pretty cool I tell ya!
From that point on it was just tidying up, kids playing outside, ladies drinking tea, and visiting the afternoon away. All in all it was a very easy and relaxing day for most of us. Hubby on the other hand was shoveling his guts out just about the whole morning after the storm, and also getting the barn finalized, and milking the cow and everything else that goes with it.He enjoyed it all but... well...he was pretty tired by the end of the day. :)
All of the plates my food came on had a cow on them somewhere, but we brought so much food we didn't eat far enough to get to see what the plates actually looked like. Too bad.
It's a good idea to measure the volume of your punch bowl before you begin pouring pop. You should have asked for my picture of the overflowing punch bowl.
The cake was actually a buttermilk cake (how appropriate) with peanut butter frosting. We will share the recipe soon.
And that avocado dip was so unbelievably good. I might have to send someone out in the rain for an avocado or two and some ranch seasoning! I didn't eat nearly enough of it yesterday. After all, I'm dipping for two these days.
Oh how fun! And #59 is just beautiful! :)
You guys seem like such a neat little family...looks like you had so much fun - #59 is blessed, I'm sure!!
How dare you make a post like this, making me incredibly homesick. Bring all your cow stuff out here and we'll have a party. Do it. Now.
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