Sunday, February 24, 2008

I deserve a medal.

I took my children skating at the pond around the corner this afternoon. Be proud of me. I hate being cold. I hate winter. I am totally out of shape. I don't even have winter boots. Seriously, feel sorry for me. But I took the kids out, me in my sneakers and them in their skates, and let them skate themselves silly. They've wanted to go skating with me many times before but I always had an excuse. Today they didn't even bother asking. When I suggested it they didn't believe me.

"Did Dad tell you to take us?"
"Are the cousins going to be going?"
"Did you really think of it all by yourself???!"

I finally convinced them I thought of it all by me onesies. How could I resist doing something so nice for them when they're just so darn cute!?!


Anonymous said...

yup, you certainly did spawn some good looking kids there! :)

yay for skating with them and hilarious that they didn't believe you were going to take them. If I had a medal, I'd give it to ya :)

Life With My Joys..... said...

Classic! I'm right there with ya on the hating being cold. I'm such a hypocritical Maine-iac. I'm loving the PA weather. Only one storm this winter, and it's practically gone in a day. That's my kind of winter. A little bit of snow for Christmas, and then out with the snow and in with SPRING!

Anonymous said...

...good for you!! (I can see why you think your kids are so cute...'only a mother's love'...just kidding - I'm sure your kids are adorable!!) I used to LOVE skating on the pond when I was little...I haven't been skating in years, though - and also really hate to be cold...good for you, though!! I'm sure your kids were very pleased and impressed!!